Myofacial Release Ten Series
The Myofacial Release Ten Series is an extremely intelligent series of bodywork. Each section focuses on releasing different sections of the body and reshaping the body into a higher functioning whole. A cohesive movement lesson, the client becomes aware of their body, how various muscles work together in a number of marvelous ways, and how to use the gravitational lines of the body and ground expansion to, as my teacher would say, “have more functional ease in the field of gravity.
Schedule Online or call 303 880 4416
Ideally, with your permission, we take photos of you (in swimsuit-like attire) standing on a plumb line before and after each session. This enables both of us to notice areas of asymmetry, guides the work that transpires in each session, and helps us align the body into a more ideal position in gravity.
You will get a packet that outlines the goals for each session and exercises to support the work we do for each session. It is recommended that you review these goals as we go through the work, reflect on what you understand and what you don’t, and practice the agreed upon movements between each session. All of this will support the neuromuscular connections that are being created during our sessions together, and make the most of the Ten Series as a whole.
$160- / 90 minutes
Ease of Movement
A visceral understanding of various “super cool” relationships in the body (for example, one feels how to make the fascia on the foot rise as the sacrum gently rocks toward the ground.[1] )
Incredible work for athletes, injury prevention, and improvement of skills
Wonderful for those working with balance issues.
Creates a means of communication between client and practitioner that informs all future sessions, and truly transforms the session into a collaboration.
Think we should state the benefit in this example like "... the ground, allowing the client to have control to correct misalignments themselves."